Monday, August 23, 2010

Year Book Cover

Aku ini si mahluk yang banyak dibenci orang. Tapi juga disayang. Aku cepat. Bisa meliuk-liuk melintasi si garis abu-abu. Seakan-akan, aku lah raja. Bisa bergerak dan berhenti semauku.
Banyak kejadian indah terjadi karenaku, tapi tak jarang keberadaanku memberi kesempatan orang bertindak jahat.
Kadang aku sebal. Ingin berteriak rasanya. Bebanku terlalu berat, kadang dipaksa melebihi kemampuanku. Sampai aku terbatuk-batuk. Tapi tetap saja aku harus berjalan. Tapi tak apa. Melihat senyum mereka aku sudah senang. Apalagi melihat tuanku yang berbahagia... Aku banyak belajar darinya. Tanpa dia aku tidak bisa apa-apa...


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scattered assignments

Oh my goodness.

Okay, I don't want to start this article with a whining so I thank God for this wonderful semester. I love the lecturers, friends, and even the assignments.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010. 11 am.
I was sitting in front of my white macbook, thinking about the works. My hands then quickly ran to drawer to open it, as my mind making a list of what to do. I took a shocking-pink-colored sticky note and write on it. Making a list with a check box on each point. 
1. Topic Analysis
2. Joy Website
3. Self Promo Proposal
4. Video Treatment
5. Year Book Cover
6. Indo Night Teaser
7. Melody in You Poster
8. Blog
Those are what I had to do. As soon as possible. It took up 3 pieces of sticky notes to write on. Then I sticked it all on the wall. Right in front of my face. The place that I will always see every single day. 

Sunday, 22 August 2010. 1.30 am.
I stared to the wall, to the pink notes which had been there for days. I sat quietly in front of my macbook as my fingers type the words of this article. It was 3. 3 check signs on the check box. Still another 5 things to do. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

Encounter Retreat

Setiap perjumpaan membawa sesuatu yang baru. Apalagi perjumpaan dengan Tuhan. Mungkin terdengar klise dan ga mungkin, tapi ini nyata. Emang bukan muka ketemu muka. Tapi rasanya beda, dan itu bener-bener membawa perubahan dalam hidup gw.
Ga bakalan percaya kalo belum ngerasain sendiri. Sama seperti kalo gw bilang martabak itu enak padahal lu pernah nyoba. Mau dibayangin kaya apa bakalan tetep beda. Makanya.. ikutan encounter retreat. hehe.. God is real and He is alive!

Indo Night Teaser

An event held by Komando (Komunitas Anak Indonesia) at Taylor University.